How to blow up your life and start over in your mid-thirties:


Successfully have my very first website/page up and running. Prior to this I read about 300 Pinterest articles, each detailing “How I make so much money blogging,” “How to start your own website in 20 minutes,” and “How to choose a profitable niche,” before deciding this is something I have to figure out myself. I don’t have any special skills. I don’t have anything I’m particularly passionate about.

So. Here I am with my own blog about….Nothing. and, Everything. I’m going to share my thoughts and feelings about whatever I feel that day. I’m committing to trying a hobby or craft every day for an hour, it’s my new years resolution, but I’m starting early. Is this like a journal? Maybe. I’ll post pictures of my works in progress and finished pieces, however they turned out. I’m an expert in nothing, but I am interested in just about everything. I’m here to discover my niche, and maybe to help you find yours, too.

A little about me:

I have struggled with variations of depression and ADHD all of my post-pubescent life. I would always describe myself as an all or nothing Some days it’s hard for me to do anything, and I wind up sleeping until my kids get home from school and then feeling bad about the work I didn’t do while they were away, because now I have to get caught up and am crabby at myself about it. I’ve had very little interest in learning new skills, with the excuse I didn’t have time.

This is true, partially. Some of those years I worked 70 hour work-weeks. My sole priority was survival. I didn’t make myself a priority, and regularly neglected my personal relationships. I didn’t know how to change! Recently, I blew my life up, ditched everything I thought I knew, bought a self-care workbook and am in the process of learning about myself and trying new things.

I’m not aiming for perfection, nor am i trying to write book-length blog posts. I’m glad I made it here, and I’m glad you made it too. Can’t wait for our project tomorrow!

