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Crafting and Commissions
Welcome back! I think about making a blog post every day, and somehow never make my way to the computer to actually do it. I’ve spent hours reviewing the pages of this website trying to get it perfect…which is silly because I believe posting will make the biggest difference. With…
A Successful Holiday looks like THIS
Where I come from, every holiday is a potluck. We each bring our favorite food, and invariable end up with too many leftovers. Usually, I bring a dessert that the kids love and the adults won’t touch. This year, I brought individual everything bagel cheeseballs and a turkey shaped charcuterie…
Is this what we do when the holidays are overwhelming?
A little backstory: This year, I took myself to therapy for the first time. My dad had died super suddenly, I had quit my high paying, fast-paced job in a fit of anxiety-induced despair and I wished I were dead. After I flung alll of my grievances at my therapist,…